Friday, November 13, 2015

Louise Hay and hair-loss ... is it all in our minds?

I've always been a strong believer that illness first happens in our mind. Our body is just an intuitive machine (and a loyal friend) which tells us what we do or don't do right. If we listen and collaborate with it, I believe we can be healthy & happy.

The other book I'm reading at the moment is All is well by Louise Hay and a doctor of medicine Mona Lisa Schulz. You can read all about the causes of a disease and ways of healing it - conventional and alternative. I absolutely love this book! It is so worth reading - there are no words that would give justice to how much that book really is valuable!

Hair-loss is connected by our first emotional center - root chakra.
Here is what Louise and Lisa say about it in the book ...
"A lack of security can also come after a huge shock: the loss of a beloved family member, an abrupt and painful move, or anything else that leaves you feeling disoriented - like a plant that's been pulled up by its roots, or like being traumatically pulled from your home and sent to a foreign land. And science shows us that during these moments we can also lose our biological "roots" - our hair. When there is chaos between family members, there is an increased risk of hair loss (alopecia), not to mention psoriasis and other skin problems."

When I read this I was baffled! It is so true! when I left Canada I felt very sad. I left my friends, work and my new home there roots where out of the soil. I still don't feel at home here where I am though I should have. :( I need to make sure I feel good everywhere I am, for I have myself, always. Easier said than done - I know.

Does this information struck your cord?
Tell me do you agree, dissagree?

Have a marvellous (hair) day :)

What does dr. Sara Gottfried say about hairloss?

Lately I've come across a lot of quality literature about hair loss. One of the best books I've read in a while is dr. Sara Gottried - At home with your body at last. She is a doctor gynecologist who is specialized in women's hormones and supports natural methods of healing - without pills if possible. I highly recommend it to all the ladies out there go and reach for it because it contains really valuable information!

What do weight gain, hair loss, painful periods, sleepless nights etc have in common?
In most cases - disrupted levels of hormones, starting with cortisol, which is the main hormone to fight stress. If the level of cortisol is too high in our body on a long term it affects other hormones too. For example thyroid which has to do with hair-loss among others.

Why does it happen in the first place?
I suggest you to read the book. It has do with poor diet, lifestyle, aging and you guessed it ... stress.
Watch a video where Sara and Kris Carr (I found out that I share a birthday with Kris - not the year though) talk about hormones. Btw isn't she absolutely stunning and sexy lady? I mean REALLY!

The results of the questionnaire in her book I got were that my thyroid is low. My blood test was OK, but I really have most of the symptoms mentioned. Besides I don't eat sea food which is probably the case here - not enough iodine.

I know now that my stress hormones are disrupted, my thyroid is not at its best (thus hair loss!) ... I need to read the entire book and then decide what to do. Meaning make sure my physical body get what it needs - proper diet, supplements, lifestyle and my emotional healing as well. (I'll write about that in my next post.)

WHAT about YOUR hormones?
If you haven't got the book you can help yourself with the questionnaire here:

Share your thoughts below ... and have a great (hair) day :)

Friday, November 6, 2015

My hair, my story

Being a fair-haired gal, I've never had an abundance of hair volume such as some dark ladies do. There were times when I might have been jealous of them but I was comforting myself with a thought that my hair colour was somehow like "the fields of gold" ... you know the Sting song, don't you? :)

It made me very sad when I first noticed that my "gold" was excessively leaving my head. :( It first happened when I was facing some money/career issues. I've decided to stop working in a particular field and felt pretty lost and vulnerable.

At that time I tried several different diets:
  • diet without sugar (3 months)
  • low fat plant based diet
  • candida diet
  • gluten-free diet

I'd also tried some healing techniques (I'll talk about them later).

What put my hair-loss to a stop was start eating sea-weed (what a revelation!). I forgot to mention that I've been on vegetarian diet for about 8 years now. To be honest, I don't know if that really suits my body, but let's explore that object later.

Last year I moved to Canada and stayed there for a year. At about the same time of a year I, again for the second time, experienced hair loss but it didn't last for a long time. I got myself a job and I felt secured.

This year, after coming back from Canada it all repeated (third time so far). Leaving my job, which represented stability, I came back to Slovenia with no vision and probably more important - no real joy. I knew I had to do something about it.

It's been 4 months now since my hair is falling out more than they should. I'm again exploring food diets (I checked iron levels in my blood and thyroid but everything seems to be fine. I haven't seen my gynecologist just yet but am about to.) and perhaps even more important - my emotional state of being. Taking my life into my own hands, being responsible for it, being creative and don't let fears put me down. I have ups and downs specially because I'm surrounded with people who are afraid of everything unknown (we all are to some extent I know!). But that shouldn't be an excuse.

I'll share my emotional revelations in future posts.
In the mean time, welcome and thank you for reading these lines. I already feel lighter. :)
If you are facing the same issues or have a particular question, don't hesitate to ask.

Have a great (hair) day ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How it started?

I moved to Vienna one and a half year ago, reduce the meat; and after 2 months I started losing my hair.

So, let me introduce myself. I'm Tanjuska, who is always doing some crazy stuff. I had two jobs while I was still leaving in Slovenia, but I was not satisfied and joyful person anymore..."So, I need a change?!"
Almost during the night, I decided to move to Vienna and start my life 'from beginning'. I was thinking that I'm still young enough to give myself a chance for complete 'makeover'. 

...but it was not a small step, yeah! 

I needed some encouragement, so I went to hairstylist to get a new color and style. She mentioned to me, that I have two circles on my occiput - hairless! She starts explaining how she had the same problem and it was caused by stress and sugar...

I went to several specialists:
  •  Dr. Dermatologist No.1 - Diagnosis: immune system reacted on rheumatoid arthritis and you   lost your hair
  • Home Doctor - Diagnosis: lack of iron and Vitimine D (btw. I just read that Vitamin D is actually hormone and not vitamin)
  • Dr. Dermatologist No.2 - Diagnosis: alopecia area (He was 100% sure, but after blood test that showed increase of antibody parts in thyroid gland, he directed me to doctor for thyroid gland) 
  • Chiropractic - Diagnosis: Spine was in general ok, but after I showed him my hair just to get like 4th opinion - he thought of fungi.
  • Ginecologist - Diagnosis: Hormons are ok, your thyroid gland works perfectly - cause could be fungi if your hair start growing back by themselves.
Result until now: Fungi won with 2 points! ;)

Well I'm waiting for the next appointment in two weeks by Dr. Dermatologist No. 3 - I'll let you now which diagnosis will get a new point. :)

So in between I took some medicals:
  • prescribed by doctor: Iron pills and Vitamin D drops
  • home pharmacy: MACA, B-komplex, Tea Tree cream, Oxsana, vinegar, Neem oil
This is a short description of the challenge which conviced me to share it with you!

Keep in touch! ;)

A fresh start

Before we get to know each other ... let's start with an inspirational quote.