Friday, November 13, 2015

Louise Hay and hair-loss ... is it all in our minds?

I've always been a strong believer that illness first happens in our mind. Our body is just an intuitive machine (and a loyal friend) which tells us what we do or don't do right. If we listen and collaborate with it, I believe we can be healthy & happy.

The other book I'm reading at the moment is All is well by Louise Hay and a doctor of medicine Mona Lisa Schulz. You can read all about the causes of a disease and ways of healing it - conventional and alternative. I absolutely love this book! It is so worth reading - there are no words that would give justice to how much that book really is valuable!

Hair-loss is connected by our first emotional center - root chakra.
Here is what Louise and Lisa say about it in the book ...
"A lack of security can also come after a huge shock: the loss of a beloved family member, an abrupt and painful move, or anything else that leaves you feeling disoriented - like a plant that's been pulled up by its roots, or like being traumatically pulled from your home and sent to a foreign land. And science shows us that during these moments we can also lose our biological "roots" - our hair. When there is chaos between family members, there is an increased risk of hair loss (alopecia), not to mention psoriasis and other skin problems."

When I read this I was baffled! It is so true! when I left Canada I felt very sad. I left my friends, work and my new home there roots where out of the soil. I still don't feel at home here where I am though I should have. :( I need to make sure I feel good everywhere I am, for I have myself, always. Easier said than done - I know.

Does this information struck your cord?
Tell me do you agree, dissagree?

Have a marvellous (hair) day :)


  1. One thing I can tell you for sure is certain foods actually can help with stopping hair loss. These foods stimulate the circulatory system and get nutrients to the hair follicles. When your bloodstream is clogged, not enough nutrients get to the hair and can cause the hair to die and fall out. Talk with your doctor about eating the right foods.

    Victor Peterson @ Dr. Farole

    1. Hello Victor, thank you for your comment! I believe you are right, as I started eating seaweed the condition got back on track again.
      All the best to you,

    2. Hello Victor, thank you for your comment! I believe you are right, as I started eating seaweed the condition got back on track again.
      All the best to you,

  2. Dear Victor, yes for sure Nutrition is an very important factor. I google it and found a list of foods that stimulate blood circulation:

    Would you agree with the list?

  3. I know this is dated 2016..but i was searching re hair loss as i am losing alot. Gratefully i always had a head of thick hair but since moving home and leaving a traumatic situation..i am havin to survive by myself and honestly its been one of the most stretxhing experiences inside. I am still not out of the woods but i am adapting and adjusting everday. Just pray i still have my hair when i am more stabilised. So this explanation for gair loss of Louise Hays resonates very deeply. Thankyou for sharing. I found this very useful.

  4. Hi thank you for posting this and Louise's idea of hair loss being connected with place and biological roots makes absolute sense to me as I moved to Scotland and feel and have been made to feel through bigotry that this isn't my home despite having invested in a property and being English. I feel completely at sea and I'm suffering from anxiety and depression because of the situation. Although I think foods are useful, they don't outweigh the emotional state of a person as cortisol are far more contributory to hair loss than optimal levels of certain vits. I am extremely healthy and health conscientious and this hasn't prevented hair loss. Also on this note if it were only to do with supplements then everybody in every war would become bald as food items are scarce during these times. I think this point is pushed by advertisers when in fact it has minimal impact if you are on a clean diet anyway. I was never able or a great believer in meditation but I do think this has helped in trying to calm my system.

  5. I married after being single for 38+ years. Left my employer of 26 yrs and moved 600 miles from"home" in Dec 2018. My mom, who lived with us, passed 1/27/18. All was "ok" until around May 2020. Started to loose a lot of hair. Now 3/22 I've literally lost more than 3/4ths of my hair. QUESTION? Can a stress response be that delayed?

  6. Ahhh. (wish there's an edit button)
    Jan 2019
