It made me very sad when I first noticed that my "gold" was excessively leaving my head. :( It first happened when I was facing some money/career issues. I've decided to stop working in a particular field and felt pretty lost and vulnerable.
At that time I tried several different diets:
- diet without sugar (3 months)
- low fat plant based diet
- candida diet
- gluten-free diet
I'd also tried some healing techniques (I'll talk about them later).
What put my hair-loss to a stop was start eating sea-weed (what a revelation!). I forgot to mention that I've been on vegetarian diet for about 8 years now. To be honest, I don't know if that really suits my body, but let's explore that object later.
Last year I moved to Canada and
stayed there for a year. At about the same time of a year I, again for
the second time, experienced hair loss but it didn't last for a long
time. I got myself a job and I felt secured.This year, after coming back from Canada it all repeated (third time so far). Leaving my job, which represented stability, I came back to Slovenia with no vision and probably more important - no real joy. I knew I had to do something about it.
It's been 4 months now since my hair is falling out more than they should. I'm again exploring food diets (I checked iron levels in my blood and thyroid but everything seems to be fine. I haven't seen my gynecologist just yet but am about to.) and perhaps even more important - my emotional state of being. Taking my life into my own hands, being responsible for it, being creative and don't let fears put me down. I have ups and downs specially because I'm surrounded with people who are afraid of everything unknown (we all are to some extent I know!). But that shouldn't be an excuse.
I'll share my emotional revelations in future posts.
In the mean time, welcome and thank you for reading these lines. I already feel lighter. :)
If you are facing the same issues or have a particular question, don't hesitate to ask.
Have a great (hair) day ;)
Hi! I found your blog today...if that is what they are still called! I am desperately trying to find answers, and have experienced very similar circumstances to what you describe. How are things now? Have you discovered any new modalities?